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The role and responsibilities of senior leaders in managing exams in their centre

26 Aug 2022

A very welcome addition to the 2022/2023 version of the General Regulations for Approved Centres booklet is the additional clarity which JCQ has provided in relation to the role which members of the senior leadership team must play in the management of examinations and assessments within their centre.


In response to the recommendations in the Report of the Independent Commission on Examination Malpractice, JCQ now requires exams officers to be ‘…line managed and actively supported by a member of the senior leadership team who has a good working knowledge of the examination system’.  This requires line management from an individual such as an assistant headteacher/principal or deputy headteacher/principal, who is aware of the regulations in order to advise and direct their exams officer if required. This member of SLT should be the ‘first port of call’ for an exams officer if there is an issue within the centre. Only if the line manager is unable to answer a question raised, provide a resolution or required support should contact be made with the relevant awarding body or JCQ.

JCQ should be commended for its work in recent years in ensuring that heads of centres and senior leaders are aware of their responsibilities regarding the overall management of examinations and assessments within their centre and the support which should be made available to their exams officer. The addition of this new stipulation can only be viewed as another positive step in providing exams officers with the necessary support within their centre to effectively undertake their role in managing, administering and conducting examinations.

The role and responsibilities of senior leaders

Senior leaders are now required to directly line manage their exams officer in the following areas (this is not an exhaustive list):

  • regular meetings with the exams officer
  • an annual appraisal
  • a thorough induction programme for new exams officers
  • the implementation of a succession plan upon the departure or short/long term absence of the exams officer
  • for key decisions and issues relating to the overall management of examinations and assessments within a centre to be referred to/made by the relevant member of the senior leadership team

However, it is also important to consider the current, wider responsibilities of heads of centres and senior leaders as set out in the General Regulations for Approved Centres. These include:

  • Familiarise themselves with the entire contents of the General Regulations for Approved Centres, and to refer to them when required (sections 1.3, 2.2)
  • Conduct correspondence on any aspect of a candidate’s examination or assessment with the relevant awarding body and not to advise parents/candidates to contact awarding bodies/JCQ directly (section 3.16)
  • Receive appropriate training and support in order to facilitate the effective delivery of examinations and assessments within the centre, and ensure compliance with the published JCQ regulations (section 5.3)
  • Ensure that their exams officer and SENCo receive appropriate training and support in order to facilitate the effective delivery of examinations and assessments within the centre, and ensure compliance with the published JCQ regulations (section 5.3)
  • Actively support and line manage the exams officer including support and guidance, particularly during an examination series (section 5.3)
  • Ensure that the integrity and security of examinations and assessments is maintained throughout an examination series (section 5.3)
  • Possess a good working knowledge of the examination system (section 5.3)
  • Ensure that senior members of centre staff are available immediately after the publication of results (section 5.13)
  • Advise any person involved in administering, teaching or completing examinations/assessments that where malpractice is suspected, or alleged, personal data about them will be provided to the awarding body (or bodies) whose examinations/assessments are involved (section 6.3)

Although it is the responsibility of the head of centre to ensure that a range of policies and procedures are in place (see The Exams Office Policy Checklist), the following processes/plans refer directly to the role played by the senior leader with responsibility for exams:

  • Written escalation process – to provide guidance if the head of centre, or a member
    of the senior leadership team with oversight of examination administration, is absent (section 5.3)
  • Written examination contingency plan – this should cover all aspects of examination administration, including allowing members of the senior leadership team to act immediately in the event of an emergency (e.g. the centre being unavailable for examinations, or on results day, owing to an unforeseen emergency, the potential impact of a cyber-attack etc.) or staff absence (section 5.3)

Supporting exams officers

As the information above highlights, in recent years, JCQ has made significant progress in detailing what is expected of senior leaders and trying to ensure effective line management support for exams officers. The role and responsibilities of senior leaders in relation to the management of examinations and assessments within their centre has become clearer and more defined.

However, the NAEO particularly welcomes the addition to section 5.3 of the General Regulations for Approved Centres which requires the examinations officer to be ‘…line managed and actively supported by a member of the senior leadership team who has a good working knowledge of the examination system.’

This requirement will address some of the issues which were highlighted in our 2021 Exams Officer survey, in particular, the following:

  • Almost 1 in 3 exams officers do not have access to an annual appraisal
  • 1 in 5 exams officers do not feel well supported or valued by their line manager/SLT
  • Almost half of all senior leaders believe that the exams officer role is only required/exams officer is only busy when exams are taking place
  • There is a lack of contingency planning in a significant number of centres
  • In 4 out of 5 centres, there is little or no succession planning in the event of the exams
    officer leaving their post/the appointment of a new exams officer
  • 1 in 3 heads of centre/SLT do not read/refer to/familiarise themselves with the entire contents of the relevant JCQ publications

Without doubt, in the majority of centres the head of centre and senior leaders are very supportive of their exams officer. They possess a thorough knowledge of the regulations and are aware of the importance of following JCQ and awarding body requirements and processes at all times…or acquiring advice and guidance when this is not possible. However, JCQ is now ensuring support for new to role exams officers who fail to receive an adequate induction to the role, and established exams officers who may be frustrated by the lack of support from their SLT, or the failure to effectively address areas/make decisions in line with regulations and agree processes.

Support for senior leaders

If we are to expect senior leaders to assume effective overall responsibility for examinations and assessments within their centre, then they also need access to quality support to enable them to meet this challenge.

The Exams Office has developed additional support in the following areas which will assist senior leaders in meeting their obligations:

  • Training – events held in London (October and March) to analyse key changes and their impact, and preparing for the summer exam series
  • Senior leader/line manager checklist – a hard copy (available at training events) and electronic document which forms the basis of each meeting between the senior leader and exams officer in preparation for every exam series
  • Online module – a  certificated training and assessment programme designed to support senior leaders/line managers (with responsibility for exams/the exams officer) by informing and measuring understanding of JCQ regulations and key tasks that may need to be undertaken by them/their exams officer in the management and administration of the exams process