Member Benefits


The NAEO’s primary objective will be to raise the profile and status of exams officers within the education sector.

The DfE, Ofqual and JCQ have already been made aware of the launch of the NAEO, and that it will send representatives to attend relevant meetings to represent the views of the exams officer community. The NAEO will ensure that stakeholders are able to share accurate and up-to-date information with its members. 

An annual survey will be conducted to highlight areas of strength within the system and those in need of improvement. The NAEO will focus on supporting continuous improvement and will work tirelessly until change is achieved.

" Raise the profile and status of exams officers and the exams officer community "

Personal support and advice

Member benefits include:

  • An opportunity to join and support an association which promotes the interests of the exams officer community amongst key stakeholders within the education sector (e.g. the Department for Education, Ofqual, the Joint Council for Qualifications, etc.)

  • Personal and professional development – providing access to personal and professional development opportunities, including access to, and accreditation of, the Exams Officer Professional Standards, and a Skills Development Platform which will be launched in late-2024. The NAEO also promotes and endorses of the Exams Officer Digital Accreditation

  • Annual summer conference – exclusive access for members-only - which focuses on developing skills, enhancing wellbeing, and recognising and celebrating excellence and commitment
  • Exams Officer Survey - an opportunity to participate in an annual national survey to identify the priority areas on which the NAEO should focus its support and to raise the profile and status of the role
  • Articles – detailing good practice and developing key skills required in the role, and to promote personal and professional development 
  • Mindfulness and well-being – a dedicated section on techniques, advice and guidance on improving mindfulness and mental health 
  • Reward and awards programme – including a monthly member prize draw and the annual Exams Officer of the Year award
  • Job descriptions – up-to-date job description templates for exams officers and invigilators - To follow
  • Interview support – good practice, advice and techniques for centres wanting to appoint an exams officer and for those wanting to be appointed to the role - To follow
  • Vacancies section – access to opportunities for career growth and progression
  • Access to Employment rights and general legal advice through articles and good practice guides, and support from legal professionals in the event of issues encountered at centre level

" Promoting the exams officer role and providing access to professional development "

Professional development

Another key objective for the NAEO is to promote the professional development of its members and to deliver professional standards which serve as a set of practices, ethics, and behaviours to which all exams officers should adhere. Such standards help to achieve our aim of raising the profile and status of the profession. To achieve this, the NAEO has launched the Exams Officer Professional Standards.

The NAEO supported The Exams Office in the launch of their Exams Officer Digital Accreditation (EODA). This qualification is recognised and accredited by the NAEO.

The NAEO delivers the National Exams Officer Summer Conference with financial and staff resource support from The Exams Office. The summer conference is an opportunity to promote professional development, and celebrate and recognise achievement across its membership.

In late-2024, the NAEO will be launching a Skills Development Platform which will enable exams officer to achieve the Exams Officer Professional Standards, and develop their skills in the following areas (which are required to undertake the exams officer role):

  • Time management
  • People management
  • Contingency planning/risk management
  • Prioritising tasks/workload/multitasking
  • Problem solving
  • Communication skills
  • Handling difficult conversations
  • Presentation skills
  • Managing deadlines
  • Working collaboratively