
In order to access all areas of this site you must be a member of the NAEO. To join, please register by entering the details below:

Required fields marked *

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    Your first name

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    Your surname

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    This is be the email address assigned to your account and what you will use to log in to the site.

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    For research reasons it will be good to know your current role.

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    If you selecte Other, we would like to know your actual job title.

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    This is your current centre name.

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    This is your current centre number.

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    This will be the password you use to access the site and made up of only a-z, A-Z, 0-9, !, @, &, #, or . characters.

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    This is to confirm your password. It must exactly match the one above.

  • Tick this box to agree with the NAEO privacy statement. To read the privacy statement, click here.

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Annual re-registration is required each academic year. Click here to login to see re-registration details.