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Finish 2022 Strong

01 Dec 2022

Many of us write New Year Resolutions for the coming year, with our focus on the coming months.  When we do that, we can all too easily take our eye off the present moment we are still in.

In the process, we can switch our efforts to what we ‘will’ do and so ease up on the potential we still have to finish the year strong.

2022 has been a challenge for us all in different ways, nationally and financially and we are still in a phase of change and uncertainty.

We can place blame for the situation at many doors, but HOW we handle the spot we are in, will make a real difference to how we come through current challenges.

So, as this year draws to an end, rather than focus on ‘tomorrow’ and ‘2023’, put your mind to how you can keep all the balls in the air and thrive over December, rather than survive.

Thriving is possible when we are not in panic mode, have a plan, and work the plan!

Even with just the month of December left in 2022, we still have a chance to improve how we manage any strife that comes our way.

I find it helpful to break things down into areas of concern or focus.

Traditionally, experts suggest we break up our year goals into topics or sections such as

  • social             
  • mental          
  • emotional
  • physical        
  • spiritual


  • health         
  • finance      
  • relationships       
  • work       
  • fun

Of course, these are only suggestions.  Your present situation may need you to look more closely at other areas of your life.  Focussing on them now, whilst they are still a high priority can help you start 2023 in a much better position.

I am currently supporting my youngest 40-year-old who came home as his life imploded (job, partner, home). Such ‘Big Event’ shakeups force us to look deeper at challenges. And the sooner we can face doing that, the better. Hiding from things will not help solve them.

So, for me to finish strong in 2022, I knew I had to look at a number of issues: particularly Finance and Relationships.

Here are some of my personal goals to end the year in one piece, mentally and emotionally.  


  • Look at my direct debits
  • Do a spreadsheet on my monthly budget
  • Allocate to essentials and prioritise utilities
  • Food – plan meals.  Shop wisely and bulk buy and use oven sensibly
  • Freeze meals and label. Cut down food waste
  • Reduce all energy use, thermostat, tumble dryer, hair dryer etc, turn off standby


  • Keep in contact with family via cards, email and SMS
  • Suggest different meet ups
  • Be proactive with children – the wiser parent
  • Give son space to heal
  • Involve estranged Father. Don’t judge
  • Be open, available and trusting in The Universe.  Meditate
  • Take time for self-nurture and appreciation
  • Trust to inner guidance

This is me laying out my plan for the last few months of 2022.My plan is to survive any threats to my status quo.

For all of us, the threats may still be apparent, but HOW we process and respond to them will determine how we feel about ourselves and life around us.

We ae all part of a larger family (home or work).We owe it to ourselves and others not to flounder as things around take a knock.

Believe in yourself, who you are and how you can thrive. Thriving is a state of mind, but it needs some planning too. So end 2022 strong with fresh eyes.

This Christmas, I’ve already agreed less gifts with others and explained my choice to down-size giving. It makes sense.But I had to start the conversation and I am not too proud to avoid being sensible.Ego can keep us saving face but it is not the solution to sliding finances.

I hope this twist on your end of year focus is helpful. Sometimes we have to ‘fess’ up and admit to a struggle.Remember it’s HOW you come through. There’s no shame in finding things difficult.

Love and light to you and yours.

PS: my son is now in his 1st owned apartment. Whilst the last 18+ months have been a financial and relationship struggle for us both, he appreciated that I gave him space to be him. The trade-off was definitely worth it.


If you would like a handout on how to Finish the Year Strong, you can get it here:

You’ll find details of my workshops and courses at