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The reasons why every exams officer should have access to an effective professional development programme for the 2024/2025 academic year

02 Sep 2024

As we embark on a new academic year, the NAEO will continue to lobby key stakeholders such as the Department for Education, Ofqual, the Joint Council for Qualifications and the major awarding bodies to acquire the support in raising the profile and status of the exams officer role.

A key initiative in this programme is to ensure recognition – and reward – for exams officers as the professionals within the education sector who play a pivotal role in maintaining the integrity and security of the examination system within each centre. There should be no doubt that the rigour and commitment with which exams officers manage, administer and conduct examinations and assessments is a significant reason in maintaining the world-leading reputation of UK qualifications and the value placed upon UK general and vocational qualifications across the globe. 

However, despite the significance of the exams officer role which requires maintaining a current knowledge of exams regulations (which are updated on an annual basis), it is of considerable concern that 26% of exams officers do not have access to a professional development programme or annual appraisal (see Exams Officer 2023 survey).

By denying one in four exams officers the opportunity to engage in a professional development programme supported by annual appraisal, heads of centres are introducing the risk of mismanagement of examinations and assessments within their centre. An increase in the instances of centre maladministration or malpractice will only erode confidence in the integrity and security of the UK examination system – the effects of which will be felt nationally and internationally. 

The importance of an effective professional development programme?

There are several reasons why every exams officer should be given the opportunity to engage in a professional development programme which is supported by an annual appraisal to identify progress and areas in need of further improvement. Below are some of the advantages to engaging with an effective professional development programme:

Performing the role effectively

The exams officer role is unlike many other teaching and support roles within schools and colleges, as an exams officer cannot perform their role effectively unless they keep abreast of annual exams-related changes and acquire/develop a range of skills which are needed to manage, administer and conduct examinations.

By ensuring that their exams officer is up to date with all exam regulations and changes and that they possess the skills to perform the role effectively and efficiently, a centre is ensuring the highest possible standards in the management, administration and conducting of examinations within their centre.

Personal development

Be allowing exams officers to improve within their role, showcase their talent, achieve their potential, increase their employability, not only is the exams officer able to acquire the highest possible salary/salary increase, but they will be more satisfied, engaged and motivated within their role

Career development

Although some exams officers enjoy their role and have no desire to progress a career, many exams officers are seeking career development. An effective professional development programme allows an exams officer to identify the areas which they need to develop in order to progress their career.

An annual appraisal also allows an exams officer to monitor their progress and identify areas of strength and those in need of improvement against their short, medium and long term goals.

Improving centre processes

An exams officer who consistently strives to improve their knowledge and skills, will be more likely to possess the ability to reflect upon their centre’s exam-related practices and recommend areas in need of improvement or where their centre is not meeting JCQ and awarding body regulations and processes.

By involving an exams officer in the decision-making process within a centre, not only is job satisfaction and motivation increased, but it is an obvious benefit for the head of centre/senior leadership team to utilise their exams officer’s expertise to ensure that the correct decisions are made to maintain the integrity and security of the examination system within their centre.

What should be included in a professional development programme?

The content of a professional development programme will vary between new and experienced exams officers.

However, the aims of a professional development programme can be achieved in a variety ways, including:

  • Attending training events
  • Completing online training and assessment
  • Reading exam-related articles
  • Keeping up to date with information on stakeholder websites (e.g. Ofqual, JCQ, awarding bodies, The Exams Office, NAEO, etc.)
  • Attending exams officer network meetings
  • Participating in webinars
  • Attending exams officer conferences
  • Practicing new skills daily
  • Maintaining a diary which details activity which was delivered with excellence or in need of improvement


Wherever possible, acquire evidence of your attendance, involvement or completion of professional development activity. This should be retained and referred to during an annual appraisal.

Exams officer professional development: Utilising the Exams Officer Professional Standards

It is the responsibility of a senior leader to manage and oversee the professional development of their exams officer.

To support senior leaders in delivering an industry recognised, effective and valued professional development programme, the NAEO, in conjunction with The Exams Office and the Learning and Skills Office, launched the Exams Officer Professional Standards which includes certification and is intended to be completed each academic year.

The standards include 3 elements which must be completed before a certificate of completion is issued:

Knowledge and understanding – although targets/areas to focus upon will be agreed between the senior leader and the exams officer, suggested knowledge and understanding areas include:

  • JCQ regulations (including annual changes/updates in regulations), awarding body processes/procedures, Management Information System training/updates, exam key dates, devising an effective contingency plan in the event of the absence of the exams officer at critical times during the exam cycle/academic year, etc.

Key skills – updating/acquiring the skills associated with effectively and efficiently performing the exams officer role, including:

  • Time management, people management, contingency planning/risk management, prioritising tasks/workload/multitasking, problem solving, communication skills, handling difficult conversations, presentation skills, managing deadlines, working collaboratively, etc

Values and attributes – the exams officer and their senior leader/line manager signing a pre-prepared NAEO statement which commits all parties to maintain the integrity and security of the examination system within their centre (e.g. reporting instances of suspected/actual malpractice)

A senior leader can register their exams officer for the Exams Officer Professional Standards, record progress against targets, and claim a certificate when all targets have been achieved.

The NAEO encourages all senior leaders and exams officers to engage with the Exams Officer Professional Standards to support the exams officer’s professional development and to help maintain the highest possible standards of integrity and security within the examination system at their centre.